
3 Types of Sangria You Need to Try at Home

Without a doubt one of the drinks that distinguishs our gatronomy is the  “sangría“, a drink based on red wine, chopped fruit and an extra liquor, this drink is heavily consumed in hot times, like summer. 

The recipe is traditionally from Spain and Portugal, yet its constantly expanding to other parts of the world, thanks to it being very refreshening, with a lot of flavor and on top of that, easy to make. We will be showing some of the best and more varied recipies for the  “sangría” for you to make in your get togueters, you will learn that they are very easy and worth learning.

tipos de sangria que debes probar en casa recetas

As we have mentioned, the sangría in one of the most consumed drinks in Spain, Portugal and most of Latin America, its a drink that has been made famous worldwide, its base is different fruits cut into small pieces, the fruis may so from lemons, oranges, apples, melon, bananas, strawberries and a lot more; mixed with  red wine, sugar and a couple exra liquors like cava and cognac, making a very refreshing beverage.

What should you drink Sangría with?

The Sangría can be eaten with a couple of appetizers. As we know, it contains different amounts of alcohol, which will depend on the preferences of the user, and this is why we recommend consumming it with some small appetizers and dip, and very practical at the same time.

Today, we want to share with you 3 types of Sangría that you need to try at home.

3 recipes for the best types of Sangría

We are going to go through 3 types of Sangria with wines ideal for every taste and situation.

Recipes for Spanish Sangría

We begin by detailing how to prepare a recognizable and famous spanish Sangría. Even tho the recipe can be prepared using multiple ingredients in regards to the fruits used, we are going to detail a recipe that we think that it is really complete and with a lot of flavor.

In either case you can change some of the fruits for anyone you like, or use less variety of fruits, maintaining the same base of ingredients. Let’s start with the step by step guide.

tipos de sangría que debes probar en casa recetas española


  • One liter of Red Wine
  • One liter of Carbonated Water
  • One cup of Cognac
  • A pair of Melons
  • One Apple
  • One Pear
  • One Lemon
  • One Orange
  • Four Soup Spoons of Sugar
  • One Branch of Cinnamon


To prepare this refreshing spanish Sangría we are going to use a big bowl to be able to mix all of the ingredients comfortably. Begin by pouring the win, we recommend using a high quality wine to have the best Sangría possible. Next we add an orange and a lemon, both of them cut beforehand.

We procede to peal the fruit that we are going to be using, in this case a pair of melons, an apple and a pear, we are gonna cut them into small cubes, we add all of the fruit into the wine so the flavor of the wine gets inpregnated into the fruit.

receta sangría 2 types of sangria costa rica recipes

After this we add the cup of cognac, the branch of cinnamon and sugar, mixing it well. Finally we add the carbonated water or flavored soda if you prefer it, we recommend lemon flavor if you decide to use it, giving an extra touch to the spanish sangría.

Once done we let it rest for one to two hours so the fruit lets out the flavor into the sangría, once ready, you can stir it once more and you are ready to serve with a couple of ice cubes, as any other recipe, it can be modified with any other ingredient change you might like.

White Wine Sangría recipe

Here we give you an unique white wine sangría, its a original recipe and very refreshing in hot seasons.

receta vino blanco costa rica

We are going to detail how to make a white wine sangría, a great drink to accompany  the best of occations.

The first thing we have to do is peel and cube the fruits, once we got it cut down we can put it aside for later.

After, we mix the sugar and the orange juice, recently extracted gives a lot of nutrients and health benefits, like unblocking our digestive system and fight deceases attached to it. After this we add the white wine, which we recommend  to be a high quality wine, for the best flavor.

receta sangria blanco vino costa rica

Finally we add the carbonated water or flavored soda and me stir until its well mixed. Once mixed, let rest for one to two hours before serving.

Summer Red Wine Recipe

Good times leads us to want to refresh ourselfs and we dont only mean to dip on the pool when its very hot, but also in the time to make drinks, there is nothing better when its hot outside than a summer red wine, and if its homemade, its even better.  Learn to prepare it and enjoy one of the best refreshening beverages before summer comes to a close.

receta tinto de verano congelados costa rica

Ingredients for summer red wine:

  1. 3 glasses of red wine
  2. 2 glasses of Sprite or 7Up
  3. A bit of lime or lemon
  4. Ice cubes


First of all is to grab a big cup and add all of the ingredients. In our case, we like to follow an specific order, starting with the wine and the add the Sprite, finishing with adding the fruit we previously cut into small cubes. Remember to add the lemon or lime juice. To get the desired taste, its recommended to be tasting the drink periodically to make sure  to not over due on the lemon or the Sprite.

When we have the mix we want, we add ice. Finally the only thing we are missing is just to enjoy the summer drink. When its time to serve we can accompany it with a slice of lemon which gives it a touch of extra refreshment.

Tips to make an excellent Sangría

– To make a good sangría it is recommendable using various types of fruits, the most used one include apples, bananas, melons and pears because they are very “Meaty” and give a lot of flavor to the mix.

– Lemon and Oranges can’t be missing in a sangria, what is recommended is to extract the juice directly from the fruits or add them in chunks.

– Carbonated water or soda is used to water down the wine, and to give it that bubbling feeling to the drink.

– Finally, we can use different kind of liquors, like brandy or vermut, while being careful to not overpower the sangría with too much alcohol.

mix sangria ig 1

Frozen fruits for Sangría (Great option in Costa Rica)

Fruits are without a doubt an essential part for a good sangría, and even for a summer red wine under the sun at the beach. Fruits give the mix this refreshening aspect that can make the difference between a good and a great sangría.

The most common fruits are the apples and strawberries, yet it depends a bit on the wine to be used, some other options include oranges, raspberries and blueberries which give it a very distinct flavor.

When its time to make a sangría, ideally you alwats focus first in the body of the drink, which is the wine and the preparation of the drink, not so much in the cutting down and preparation of the complimentary fruits.

mix sangría congelado fqf productos costa rica types of sangriaBecause of this, a great option to make this type of cocktails is the Sangría Mix from Saluzzo, which provides the fruit ready to use while being frozen in the innovative Prime Freezing System, so it can maintain their freshness and flavor once added to the drink. They come ready and with no need to even go to the market to buy them beforehand. In Costa Rica, its in reach of any person and its ideal to enjoy between friends in their social bubbles we talk so much about in this pandemic. Its enough finding those short relaxation moments in between all of this chaos in which we live right now.