Frozen Avocado: A practical and sustainable solution
The avocado is a fruit and vegetable with a lot of benefits for our health, the best thing of all is that we can consume it in a lot of different ways, maintaining its exquisite flavor. Thus we are going to talk a bit about frozen avocado, a practical and sustainable solution.
Avocados are a fruit dense with nutrients, why is the nutrient density good? Its vital knowing, as this property gives us a lot of benefits like minerals and vitamins that can give us positive effects for our health. Did you know that with almost 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients por each 50g of avocado, they are a good nutritional option?

Why consume avocado daily?
Sometimes we wonder if we should eat avocado regularly, the answer is yes, avocados are fruits that give us multiple benefits and help maintain a healthy life.
Avocados also act as an amplificator for natural nutrients, meaning it lets our organism absorb more nutrients in a natural manner. If you still havce doubts on consuming this delicious fruit, we will share some of its biggets benefits for our health.
This fruit maintains our heart healthy by reducing our cholesterol levels, controlling our arterial pressure and it regulates our blood sugar levels.
Because avocados contain magnesium and potasium, it benefits us in maintaining good responses in our nervous system, plus letting us retain our liquids in a better manner.
Avocados have vitamins from the A,C,D,K and B groups, making it a great antioxidant and fundamental por cardiovascular health.

Did you know that you can find multiple kinds of avocado?
There are a great variety of avocado, each one has a different flavor and texture. Here you have the principal varieties of avocados consumed, which is your favourite?
Hass Avocado
Its flavor is similar to hazelnut. it has a yellow pulp, its small, rugged and dark. Its approximately 120-300 grams. Hass avocado is the most consumed and cultivated as its one that has a lot pf flavor, and its easy to peel and consume with out any complications.
Bacon Variety
Smooth green peel with yellow dots. Its size is around 200-300 grams, its considered a hybrid of the hass avocado, as its adapted to cold climates.
Strong Variety
One of the most cultivated types, it has a pear-like shape and weights around 250 grams. Its peel is rough but thin and it has an exquisite taste. It can be acquired all year long.
Reed Variety
Thick, granulated and green peel. It has a very characteristic flavor, it has a slight aroma. Its pretty round, with a size of around 250 – 600 grams which, is bigger than most other varieties, which makes it great for salads or appetizers.
Pinkerton Variety
Priformis fruit and very enlongated, dark green color, with a dark peel and of good flavor. It pops out of the bunch as its tree gives out a lot of fruits at a time.
This avocados are consumed at a worldwide scale, they are liked as they have a exquisite taste.

Why do avocados grow dark when cut?
Has it happened to you that you wish to take avocado as a snack somewhere and after some time passes, the avocado grows some dark tones and stains? This is because when we cut the avocado we are breaking the celullar walls which produce oxidation.
But don’t be alarmed! The best thing is that we can avoid this oxidation process by adding a little lemon juice and limiting the exposed area to the air.
Learn a bit on production and consumption of avocado
Did you know that avocado is produced in 46 countries? The total surface area for production in around 436.3 million acres in 2009, with the countries in order of production being, Mexico, Indonedia, Dominican Republic, United States, Colombia, Peru and Kenia.
Mexico in particular is the number one producer, surpassing a million tons annually, also this country is the one that distributes this fruit the most.
The countries that consume the most avocados are reported to be, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Canada, Dominican Republic and a lot more.

Avocado in Costa Rica
In Costa Rica, the activity of production of avocado in the zones of Los Santos and Frailes, is known since 1995, yet in this past 5 years has taken off, turning into the second most important activity after coffee.
In Costa Rica you can find multiple varieties of avocados as we have multiples climates depending on each zone, yet alternative productions are launching the countries production to the skies.
Can you eat frozen avocado?
The question would be, why not?
Avocado is a very peculiar fruit, different to other fruits, its very fat rich, but these are healty fats, also, its normally not consumed as a fruit, its normally used to make salt courses, from the traditional guacamole to any type of salads.

The case is that it can be consumed in different ways, frozen or fresh, normally people don’t freeze avocados, as once frozen, they lose their texture and quantity, not being able to enjoy it later.
I have the solution for you, Avocados can be frozen. Now, as it happens with most foods, their textures change, which is recommended for it to be crushed into guacamole or hummus instead of consuming it directly.
How should you freeze avocado? An easy option is to cut it in half, retract the seed and put it in a recepient. Once needed put in the fridge for a couple of hours so it gets melted slowly and use it normally after.
I hope that if you didn’t know that you can freeze avocados, you can now put it into practice and with that consume it at any time.

FQF System: Innovation and a great solution
Can you imagine a frozen avocado and you feel like you are eating a fresh one, with out losing texture or flavor?
Sometimes before freezing a food we don’t decide doing it, just because thinking what will happen once defrosted. This new process called Prime Freezing System combines the best properties of the fresh product and a frozen one, maintaining the flavor and texture once defrosted. It has its objective promoting a sustainable lifestyle be removing wastes and combining the best of both worlds.
FQF generates inside the product micro crystals which prevent fiber breakage, maintaining the celullar walls so the flavor, and texture are intact as if it is a fresh product.

This way we eliminate the most common disadvantages of a frozen product and the benefits are exhalted, as the storage and lifespan of a frozen product is very simple.
On the other hand the fresh product is unique as it is in its natural state. Yet it has a accelerated ripening and therefore a very fast lifespan and use chain so the food is not wasted.
At the time of freezing avocados by using the PFS, the disadvantage of its complicated handling as it is a very fragile fruit, and also increasing its lifespan.
Its very common that once opened, the avocado can have some overly ripe spots, having to throwing it away, remember that there is nothing better than avocado ready to eat and with no wastes, so you cna consume it at home as you cna consume it, as it was fresh or ideal to use in guacamole or a delicious salad.