
5 Reasons to Include Frozen Fruits in your Diet

We know that consistent fruit consumption is important for maintaining good health, research has revealed that frozen fruits and vegetables can have the same amount of vitamins, and sometimes more, compared to fresh ones. That’s why we provide 5 reasons to include frozen fruits in your diet.

5 razones para incluir fruta congelada en tu DIETA

1- Keeps all its nutrients intact

Según un estudio realizado por la Universidad de Georgia y publicado en el Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, las frutas y verduras congeladas tienen los mismos nutrientes que sus equivalentes frescos.

2- Allies in the kitchen

Frozen fruits and vegetables are foods that make weekly menus much easier and faster. You will be able to have vegetables and fruits on hand at their point to make creams, stews, smoothies, ice cream and soups.

3- Time saving

You will not have the need to spend the morning in the market, since you can consume the frozen fruit in a maximum period of 8 to 12 months.

mango congelado en trozos ensalada fruta congelada costa rica saluzzo

4- Your favorite fruit all year round

Now you will not regret the short season that has your favorite fruit, something that can be avoided if we resort to frozen fruits, whatever it is, it is not only healthy, but it is also a good way to continue tasting the fruits that we like the most when they are not in season.

5- Improves feeding

By consuming several types of fruits we are increasing our nutritional range, since not all fruits have the same vitamins or minerals, in addition to including diuretic fruits in our daily consumption favor the elimination of water and sodium from our body.

5 reasons to include frozen fruit in your diet saluzzo